1.-First I want to know if you already have a bitcoin address, also called "Bitcoin Wallet."
If not, google for some!
I personally use Blockchain.
But there are other options: Coinbase and Xapo are the best known. (google it). What suits you better will do the work.
If you are from South America, I recommend XAPO.
That's because XAPO offers a debit card, and Xapo is a company from Argentina, so south Americans will be glad to have a debit card.
If you are from México, I recommend VOLABIT.
I recommend it because it lets Mexican users to send their bitcoin directly to ther bank accounts.
if you use my link, you will get a free gift when you make a buy/sell operation of bitcoin worth 50 dollars. They gives you about $3 free dollars.
But remember, all Bitcoin wallets works in all the world.
2.-Get a piece of bitcoin.
You need a piece of bitcoin.
If you already have a piece of bitcoin, you can skip step 1 and 2.
The dollar have cents (100 cents = 1 dollar).
The Bitcoin have satoshis ( 100 000 000= 1 bitcoin).
We need about 100 000 satoshi ( 0.0010000 bitcoin) to make this work. That's worth 0.50 USD.
There are 3 forms where you can get that amount of satoshis.
1.-If you already have it.
2.-Someone give it to you.
3.-Buying it (with your real money).
4.-Winning it for free.
Is pretty easy to win it, but It demands some of your time.
But It's Free! :D
The free satoshis.
You can get that little satoshis by some webpages called FAUCETS.
The faucets are minigames where you must give them your bitcoin Wallet Address (is a mix from letters and numbers, example: 1CYsVttGSDFCMvEoGF6wuHcSPzB7uRnWpK)
You need to search for your wallet address in your wallet account.
The wallet address above are mine. As you can see, I don't fear of you to steal me, because wallet address are VERY secure, no one can take bitcoin from it, they just can send you bitcoin with it.
I don't want you to send me nothing. I just want to help you and make you feel safe about your wallet address.
Back to the faucets, you need to give your wallet address (sometimes you need to register with your email and all that bored shit, but you know, that's how internet works).
You can find faucets in google. But I'm here to help you.
In the next link I leave a list of good and paying faucets.
Is a secure link, no virus or malware, promise.
Is my blog, i'm Mexican so it is in Spanish. The faucets are the list on the right:
Just play some faucets and you will star winning satoshis.
You will notice your satoshis are not going to your bitcoin wallet.
Let me explain you: Almost all of faucets send the satoshis to a "box" called Faucetbox. When you get above 13 000 satoshis, the box send that amount to your wallet. That is to avoid fees from sending you the satoshis.
In some hours, maybe you need to "work" with the faucets some days, you will get the amount of satoshis we want.
NOTE: Almost all of the faucets will need you to deactivate your ADbloker, is secure to do it.
3.- Make an investment account.
There are A LOT of scam sites, promising you that if you give them your bitcoin, they will double or multiply it and resend to your wallet.
Almost all of that sites are scam, they will disappear with your hard earned satoshis.
I was scammed when i was a beginner and lost about 11 bitcoin :(
It was worth more than $2 000 USD !!
Well, I found a real good site that promises you to give 2.4% of profit of your investment in a daily basis.
After loosing 11 bitcoin on a scam site I was very careful, so I sign in and send ONLY 0.001 bitcoin.
I waited 5 days, watching how that amount gets the promised profit.
I withdraw my investment with all of the earnings.
They send me ALL the bitcoins.
Thanks God it worked!
So I send a little bit more, each week for two months.
I get comfortable with the site and send 10 bitcoins.
They paid me exactly as promised. I started getting a profit of abour $65 USD daily.
Yes, I know Is very difficult to believe, but is true!
My bitcoin started getting bigger ( I dont withdraw all the profit, just a part every day) and now I have 26 bitcoin, giving me a profit of 0.6 bitcoin daily. That's about $200 USD.
Now, the investment account and the invitation to the page.
Let me tell you, I want you to get bitcoin, and you will, for sure.
I will give you the link to the page and you can register and invest your satoshi and start winning.
The page pays you 0.15% hourly, so it is 3.6% daily.
The page is secure and free of malware.
I don't get something if you do it, because is not my page.
But you can register, - only if you want to help me, giving me back for the info I share with you-
you can register using my referral link.
If you use my referral link to register, when you get to the 5th day of investment, you and me will get a little bonus earning.
I will invest the bonus and your bonus will be added to your account in automatic.
Is not so much, but is a free bonus and it helps me. Is a nice way to say me "Thank you for your help".
Well here you go, my referral link:
and if you don't feel comfortable with me or you don't want to be my referral -also don't getting the bonus- just write the URL on your web browser.
When you send your satoshis to your investment account, I will take from minutes to up to 4 hours to activate, so don't worry if your investment don't show immediately.

On a side note, is logically that you won't start winning $200 USD like me because your investment will be little with this method, and my investment is big.
You can continue winning from faucets or even buying bitcoin and invest it.
I started this bitcoin trip buying 21 bitcoin, loosing 11 by a scam site, and winning with the site I shared with you.
Well, that's all!
A lot o people won't believe in me and that is expected. Is no easy to believe, I know. But hope you will be wise!
If you have questions or just want to talk to me, feel free to do it.
I will answer as soon as possible.